Discounted rate for school meal service


In order to apply for the discounted rate for school meal service, you must first be able to identify yourself on the website of the municipality of  of Rome (

In order to obtain the credentials you need to identify yourself, you must go to a municipality demographic office , with your identity document and tax code (codice fiscale). In one day you will get the credentials.

At this point you can proceed with your request directly from the website of the municipality of Rome following these steps ( → Entra nel Sito Istituzionale → Area Riservata → Servizi Online → Servizi educativi e scolastici → Richiesta tariffa agevolata refezione scolastica ). If you need help in your mother tongue language, you can call this help number: 060606 and ask for a translator in your language (english, arab, rumenian, french, spanish etc)

If you encounter problems, please contact the teachers F.S. Intercultural Pinto and Colombo on this address: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

Circular of the municipality of Rome
